
Identity Verification as a Service.

VeriDocID is a digital enrollment solution that solves Identity Verification as a Service and electronic signature, integrating very easily with your applications, whether web or mobile. Verify identity from any device with a photo of an ID, a selfie and/or a fingerprint, avoiding fraud, complying with current regulations, and making a user-friendly remote enrollment by just taking three photographs.  

SUMA helps enroll millions every year

Stop frudsters and start enrolling customers in seconds

End-to-End Digital Enrollment

Verificación De Documentos De Identidad

Identity Verification.

Identity theft grows every year according to official figures but with VeriDocID's AI it is very easy to detect IDs that have been altered either the portrait picture or the data in it, not only that, it also extracts the data through a powerful OCR that helps you in your automation and digitization process. 
It validates more than 12,000 documents from around the world so you can bring customers from anywhere without having to integrate a local suplier.

Biometric Identity Verification.

We help you ensure that a person is who they say they are by checking their facial biometrics and comparing it against the photograph on their ID. It's as simple as taking a selfie. We also capture fingerprints just by taking a picture of your hands.

Certified Liveness Test and Image Alteration

With SUMA Mexico's iBeta level 2 certified Livness test powered by artificial intelligence, we ensure that the person is present during the enrollment process and that the image of the document has not been changed or superimposed. Our proof of life is the most secure on the market, combining artificial intelligence with human interaction.

Biometría Facial
Electronic Signature

Electronic Signature.

Streamline your signing process and sign any document with absolute security of knowing who is signing thanks to our secure identity verification integration. With SUMA every document signed is legal and secure thanks to our blockchain authentication. Avoid fraud with our end-to-end onboarding solution.

They Trust SUMA

Nacional Monte de piedad
Toyota Financial Services
caja morelia valladolid
farmacia del ahorro

Become a SUMA Partner and Increase Your Growth

We are convinced of team success, which is why we invite you to join our partner program to sell the best identity verification and digital enrollment solution and help you grow your company.

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Let the experts at SUMA Mexico show you how easy it is to integrate VeriDocID into your website, mobile or desktop environment and start your experience with the leading solution for Identity Verification as a Service and digital enrollment.